Saturday 5 November 2016


GLUTHATHIONE found in our body are non-specific cells without having any tissue-specific structure. They can easily duplicate themselves to form specific cells like heart muscle cells, blood cells, sperm cells, nerve cells etc. and perform specific functions. This regeneration property makes combination of gluthatione & vitamin c ideal for anti-aging therapy.

With aging, the cells of the body begin to decay. They lose their ability to regenerate and repair tissue. Changes begin to show on the skin; the internal organs such as the heart, the sex glands, the immune system etc. begin to lose their functional efficiency. At this point, you begin to look and feel aged.

Aging also sets in a number of diseases like arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart complications, and even cancer. Most of them can be traced to deficiencies in the cellular level. For example, the beta cells in the pancreas become less effective and secrete less insulin, a condition that triggers diabetes. Again, the nerve cells become weak and harbor Parkinson’s disease.

Research is now showing that higher dosage of gluthatione can stall the progress of some of these diseases by reproducing into specific cells and replacing the damaged cells in the body and restoring the vitality and functionality of the organs. In fact, gluthatione can also be developed outside the body under laboratory conditions and later transplanted in the defective area of the organ to give back the organ its functional efficiency. Because of this gluthatione anti-aging property, cosmetic formulations based on gluthatione regenerative therapy are increasingly coming to the market to halt the mark of aging on the skin and restore its youthful glow.
In addition to general body revitalization, health maintenance, and life extension, Cell Therapy will effectively stimulate the cells of the specific organ systems concerned with obesity, arthritis, chronic fatigue, asthma, degenerative brain disease, osteoporosis, circulatory disturbances, sexual dysfunction, male impotence, diabetes mellitus, hormonal disturbances, skin eruptions, and many other metabolic ailments. Also, your face will look younger and healthier in texture and color, your body physically fitter and more flexible.

-- Rejuvenation and anti-aging.
-- Regenerated cells, tissues, and organs.

-- Lightening of facial pigmentation.

-- Refining of facial pores and a glow to your skin.
-- Finer skin texture with a more evenly toned color.
-- Improvement in skin elasticity and thickness, and reduction of
-- Deeper and more relaxing sleep.
-- Better digestion and elimination of constipation.

-- Improvement in blood circulation.

-- More flexible joints and discs.

-- Vast improvement in the immune system against diseases.

-- Vast improvement in alertness and mentality.

-- Boost of Sex Drive and Potency with endurance and vitality.

-- Prevention or relief of male/ female sexual dysfunction.

-- Renewed sexual satisfaction.
- Decrease in Premenstrual Tension and related feminine problems.
-- Reduction in Pre-Menopause Syndrome.
-- Delay in Menopause, an indication of aging.

-- Firming of sagging bust and bust development.

-- Stabilization of weight at a normal level.
-- Decreased serum concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides.

-- Decreased risk of heart disease and cancer.

-- Relief of symptoms related to any chronic disease.
-- Enhancement in Stamina and Energy Level, preventing from feeling tired easily.
-- More vigor and energy, and an enthusiastic appetite to enjoy and become more actively involved with life.
Dramatically improve skin texture
• Improve the elasticity of the skin and to reduce wrinkles
• Improve endurance and vitality
• Dramatically slow the aging process overall
• Promote healing in tendon, cartilage, or joint injuries
• Reduce pain in joints from injury, strain, or arthritis
• Rapidly reduce swollen and tender joints
• Promote an increase in strength and muscle when used in conjunction with exercise
• Benefit from a better sleep


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has numerous biological functions. Foremost, it is essential for the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans which are the building materials of all connective tissues, such as skin, blood vessels, tendons, joint cartilage and bone. Vitamin C is the required coenzyme for two groups of enzymes that catalyze the crosslinking of collagen fibers - lysyl hydroxylases and prolyl hydroxylases. As such, vitamin C is essential for normal wound healing and capillary health. It also participates in the biosynthesis of carnitine, serotonin, and certain neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine.

Vitamin C is among the most powerful antioxidants in humans and animals. It is a water-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant that reacts directly with superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and singlet oxygen. Laboratory studies show that vitamin C completely protects lipids in plasma and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) against atherogenic peroxidative damage. In addition, vitamin C interacts with glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid, and regenerates vitamin E. The antioxidant functions of vitamin C appear to have clinical significance in providing protection from free radical damage to the eyes, lungs, blood and the immune system.


Vitamin B6 deficiency has been linked to schizophrenia, autism, and irritability. Deficiency in B6 has been studied in people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy, acne, and arthritis. Clinical studies have shown benefits of B6 in treating carpel tunnel syndrome, asthma, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, edema, atherosclerosis, acne, Attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, depression.

It has also been discovered to women during premenstrual syndrome. Mood swings, loss of sex drive and depression have been noted when the women are on hormone substitute therapy and pyridoxine is in short supply.

Vitamin B6: How can it Benefit You?

Vitamin B6 is thought to be instrumental in the prevention of heart disease, strokes, and kidney stones.

For example, in concert with it's cousin's folic acid and vitamin B12, vitamin B6 aids the body in controlling homocysteine levels, a by-product of protein metabolism that, at elevated levels, makes blood vessels more vulnerable to damage and a build up of fatty deposits (atherosclerosis), which increases the risk for heart disease.

This vitamin also plays a vital role in the production of serotonin, a mood-elevating brain chemical and, as such, those who suffer from mild depression and anxiety may find vitamin B6 supplements of benefit. In addition, vitamin B6 helps make other brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that help carry messages from the brain to the nerves throughout the body.
Glutathione is said to be a small protein composed of three amino acids called cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Glutathione is produced by the body in response to the environment (including pollution), the water we drink, and the chemicals and pesticides found in the food we eat that damage our cells and systems. Glutathione is usually referred to as the body’s “master anti-oxidant.” It is said to be important in maintaining good health and long life. A person who is exposed to more toxins is said to use up his supply of glutathione. Without the protection of glutathione, cells will die at a faster rate, leading to quicker aging and a higher risk of developing diseases induced by toxins such as carcinoma. The whitening of the skin is said to be just a side effect of this anti-oxidant medication when the dosage is doubled. L-Glutathione is the reduced form of Glutathione and considered more effective in skin whitening.

Glutathione as skin whitener

Not until a few years when a few individuals saw the skin lightening effect of GLUTATHIONE. There had been so many clinical studies about this molecule being a master antioxidant of our body especially protecting our liver. Our body produces a good amount of GLUTATHIONE to protect itself most of the time.. However by accident, many users of oral GLUTATHIONE found out that aside from experiencing the antioxidant effect of this wonderful molecule, they saw a substantial amount of skin lightening. Thus, the birth of ORAL GLUTATHIONE as a skin lightening supplement.

IV Glutathione is never a far-reached option for us! It is for all of us. GLUTATHIONE directly distributed in our body to reach every part of our skin without being destroyed by our digestive track. A total WHITENING process of even tone with an INSTANT GLOW and SUPPLE you will experience. Take a new reborn of skin as moisturized without the use of lotion! Even out those blotches and take this new experience!

There are several L-Glutathione Injections in the market but not all can really guarantee a good and fast result. We recommend GLUTANOVA 900 – Glutathione, Vitamin C and Collagen in 1 Sterile Solution.

Benefits of Vitamin C:
• The basic function of Vitamin C
• Collagen is a fibrous protein, important in supporting tissues, skin, organ, tendons, ligaments and etc.
• As replenishment where collagen reduces when aged
• Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars
• Maintains the production of cartilage and joints
• Improve elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture.

Benefits of Collagen:
• Dramatically improve skin texture
• Improve the elasticity of the skin and to reduce wrinkles
• Improve endurance and vitality
• Dramatically slow the aging process overall
• Promote healing in tendon, cartilage, or joint injuries
• Reduce pain in joints from injury, strain, or arthritis
• Rapidly reduce swollen and tender joints
• Promote an increase in strength and muscle when used in conjunction with exercise
• Benefit from a better sleep

MB: 08015560555 / 9840492065

1 comment:

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